P1 in the Media
- AI med et nordisk twist (Published on Weekendavisen.dk, 08/06/2024) Read the article here>>.
- AI-rekruttering skal nedbryde fordomme – ikke fastholde dem (Published on Finans.dk, 25/06/2024) Read the article here>>.
- Toine Bogers
- Jari Kickbusch
- Keynote at VL Døgnet: Myter om AI (VL Døgnet Conference, 06/06/2024) Watch the Talk here>>.
- Techtopia 327: Dansk AI center jubler (IDA Podcast, Techtopia, 13/05/2024) Listen to the episode here>>.
- Datalog om DF-deepfake: Det er et spørgsmål om tid, før det vil være umuligt at skelne falske og ægte videoer (Published on Altinget Digital, 06/05/2024) Read the article here>>.
- Chatbot fik sparket – bandede til kunde (Published on nyheder.tv2.dk, 22/01/2024) Read the article here>>.
- Favourite wine run out? AI can help you find one that tastes the same but costs less (Published on The Telegraph, 12/01/2024) Read the article here>>.
- Artificial intelligence can predict events in people’s lives (Published on DTU.dk, 16/12/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Forsker: Regulering af kunstig intelligens indebærer store risici (Published on Berlinske, 29/11/2023) Read the article here>>.
Nye virtual reality-briller giver etiske udfordringer (Published on Finans.dk, 27/11/2023) Read the article here>>.
- “The Difference is – Now The Whole World is Paying Attention To AI,” Says Prof. Serge Belongie (Published on LDV Capital, 14/11/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Serge Belongie: De nordiske lande vil ligne Star Trek, og USA vil være mere som Brasilien (Published on AI-Portalen, 17/10/2023) Read the article here>>.
- AI will not be the end of the world – it will make it a better place, says professor (Published on TV2.dk, 07/10/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Ken Pfeuffers forskning bliver til virkelighed i Apple’s Vision Pro Headset (Published via Ritzau, 13/09/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Ny forskning: Undersøger dilemmaet mellem ansvarlig – og værdiskabende kunstig intelligens (AI) (Published via Ritzau, 28/08/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Kunstig intelligens er lavet af mennesker. Og mennesker diskriminerer (Published on Information, 08/08/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Fremtiden på P1: Fremtidens AI (Podcast, DR Lyd, Fremtiden på P1, 04/08/2023) Listen to the episode here>>.
- IT-bøvl koster en arbejdsdag om ugen: “Slutbrugerne og deres opgaver bliver simpelthen glemt” (Published on ING, Version 2, 26/07/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Ukendte tal fra kunstig intelligens kan udfordre virksomheder (Published on Børsen, 14/07/2023) Read the article here>>.
- ChatGPT fremmer amerikanske normer og værdier (Published on Ekstra Bladet, 10/07/2023) Read the article here>>.
- ChatGPT promotes American norms and values (Department of Computer Science, The University of Copenhagen, 10/07/2023) Read the article here>>.
- We are wasting up to 20 percent of our time on computer problems (Department of Computer Science, The University of Copenhagen, 10/07/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Danskerne spilder op mod 20 procent af tiden foran computeren på irriterende problemer konkluderer forskere (Published on Berlinske, 28/06/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Kommunalt overmod sendte projekter om kunstig intelligens på juridisk kollisionskurs – det kan vi lære af dem (Published on Finans, 21/06/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Muligheder skal overskygge frygt ved AI’s indtog på arbejdsmarkedet (Published on Avisen Danmark, 03/06/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Billederne gik Jorden rundt, men var skabt af AI: Fake news kan nå nyt niveau (Published on Børsen, 01/06/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Drømmen om elektrohjernen (Published on Weekendavisen, 28/05/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Fem professorer advarer: Kunstig intelligens vil stjæle vores intimiteter (Published on Politiken, 22/05/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Professor om det værste ai-scenario: Tænk ikke på robotter med våben (Published on Berlinske, 17/05/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Digitale tvillinger vinder frem – men løsningen kan være for dyr til SMV’er (Published on Ingeniøren, Tech Management, 28/04/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Hartmann Fonden uddeler pris til Danmarks yngste kvindelige professor (Published on Altinget, Forsking, 12/04/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Ny version af berømt chatbot vækker opsigt (Published on Information, 18/03/2023) Read the article here>>.
- Er vi i gang med at bygge hele verden igen? (DR Lyd, Podcast Spøgelset i makinen, 07/12/2022) Listen to the episode here>>.
- Eksperter efter “sexistisk” pressemøde-spørgsmål: “Jeg kan ikke forestille mig, at samme spørgsmål bliver stillet til mandlige politikere” (DR.dk, 07/12/2022) Read the article here>>.
- Research project will improve diagnostics and treatment of strokes with artificial intelligence (Department of Computer Science, The University of Copenhagen, 20/10/2022) Read the article here>>.
- Denmark’s youngest female professor appointed at the University of Copenhagen (Department of Computer Science, The University of Copenhagen, 17/10/2022) Read the article here>>.
- Faster knowledge of side effects via artificial intelligence (Department of Computer Science, The University of Copenhagen, 12/10/2022) Read the article here>>.
- Healthy democracies are threatened by false information, but not everyone is keen on a cure (Department of Computer Science, The University of Copenhagen, 05/10/2022) Read the article here>>.
- IT-Universitetet bliver en del af nyt Pionercenter (IT University of Copenhagen, 07/04/2022) Read the article here>>.
- Pionercenter skal bringe Danmark i front med AI, algo slår verdens bedste i Bridge og immunsystem inspirerer forsvar mod model-angreb (Published on Ingeniøren, PRO DataTech, 01/04/2022) Read the article here>>.
- Nationalt Pionercenter for kunstig intelligens officielt åbent (University of Aalborg, 29/03/2022) Read the article here>>.
- Pionercenter for kunstig intelligens skal bidrage til at løse store samfundsudfordringer (Novo Nordisk Fonden, 28/03/2022) Read the article here>>.
- Nu åbner Danmarks Pionercenter for kunstig intelligens (The Lundbeck Foundation, 28/03/2022) Read the article here>>.
- Hvad er et Pionercenter? (Danish National Research Foundation) Read the article here>>.
- The Danish Pioneer Centre for AI marks its official opening (Department of Computer Science, The University of Copenhagen, 28/03/2022) Read the article here>>.
- Techtopia 215: Nu skal Danmark på AI-landkortet (IDA, Podcast, 22/11/2022) Listen to the episode here>>.
- How bird’s species made new Professor Serge Belongie world-famous within Computer Vision (Department of Computer Science, The University of Copenhagen, 30/08/2021) Read the article here>>.
- 350 millioner kroner skal løfte dansk forskning i kunstig intelligens til nye højder (Dansk Industri, 08/04/2021) Read the article here>>.
- Stor dansk satsning på forskning i kunstig intelligens (DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark, 07/04/2021) Read the article here>>.
- Pionercenter for kunstig intelligens skal ledes as verdensførende amerikansk AI-forsker (The Velux Foundations, 07/04/2021) Read the article here>>.