Bring an Independent Grant to the Pioneer Centre for AI

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Researchers and students at all levels can propose projects to bring to the Pioneer Centre for AI (P1) via various funding mechanisms. Application and budgets are developed in concert with the research administration at the host institution, which in the case of P1, includes University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University, Aalborg University, the IT University of Copenhagen or the Technical University of Denmark.

Deadlines vary. Requesting institutional approval should be started about 2 months prior to the fund’s application deadline. For larger, complex grants, 3+ months (and sometimes more) is advised. The host institution will provide budget guidelines and application support.

You can see more about the annual cycle of funding for EU, Danish public and private funds here

If you are already a researcher employed at one of P1’s institutions, follow carefully your institution’s instructions for funding applications. Contact COO Michelle Løkkegaard to discuss any P1 co-funding, co-location, or in-kind request, and/or if you would like application support, contact to an extra reviewer, or letter of support. 

If you are not currently employed at a Danish institution, get in contact with COO Michelle Løkkegaard for advice and referral to the right faculty sponsor (if needed) and to identify the administrative contacts at one of the P1 institutions you hope to serve as host for the project.


Postdoc: Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MCA)

As a 2-year MCA fellow, you will have full autonomy to develop a novel proposal aligned with your research career, guided by a world leading academic supervisor in your field. MCA Fellows receive a generous salary (mobility and living allowances) as well as a family allowance (where applicable).

Deadline for indicating interest and identifying a faculty/institutional sponsor in Denmark, August 1st. The Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action submission deadline is September 11.

Postdoc: Carlsberg Foundation Reintegration Fellowships

2-year postdoctoral fellowships to establish research activities in Denmark after a research stay abroad. Deadline for indicating interest, August 15. Application submission deadline, October 1. 

Postdoc: DDSA Postdoc Fellowship

Open call two-year DDSA Postdoc Fellowships to scientists who want to pursue their own research ideas in collaboration with a strong host environment at a Danish research institution. February deadline.